Stone Soup - Storytelling


The Flavel
Flavel Place, Dartmouth, Devon  TQ6 9ND

Friday 18th January 2008
The Walking Bus leaves the Flavel at 4.15pm

Tickets: Adult £6, Child £3, Family (2+2) £15    BRING YOUR TORCHES!

Photographs © Stone Soup

Wassail is from the Anglo-Saxon 'wes hal', to be in good health.

Wassailing is a custom in cider-making districts to exhort the apple trees to fruit well the following season.

Cider is poured on the roots and shots fired through the branches to ward off evil spirits. Cider is placed in the branches 'for the robin', and Wassailing songs are sung.

Enjoy a walk up to Dartmouth's community orchard for the ancient Wassail ritual to bless the apple trees and then come back to the Flavel to enjoy colourful storytelling from Stone Soup Storyteller David Doyle (left).

Cider, pasties and apple pie will be available, all children can have a free glass of apple juice.


There will be a walking bus from the Flavel at 4.15pm, or go straight to the orchard - as you reach the brow of Ridge Hill, the gate to the Orchard is on the right hand side. (Use of the Community Orchard by kind permission of Dartmouth Town Council.)

Suitable for All Ages.
More details from The Flavel
01803-839530 or

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